Our skin is a hella giant sponge. Meet the first-ever bath treatment to help naturally refuel our bodies with ache-reducing nutrients like Magnesium, Vitamins C & D, and Omega-3s.
49% of us experience stress that causes tight, aching muscle tension. All that stress releases hormones that use up the nutrients our bodies need to catch that calm. This transdermal soak helps provide stress-reducing nutrients for up to 5 days.
*Reduces annoying neck aches
*Helps unknot tight muscles
*Combats aching shoulder tension
8X more magnesium. 0% fillers. 245g of stress-fighting nutrients.
Bioavailable Magnesium: The HBIC that controls all the ways our bodies respond to stress, so with over 77% of us not getting enough each day, we’re all prone to a bit of anxiety.
Vitamins C & D: The duo that calms down ache-creating muscle inflammation throughout our bodies and is essential in repairing stressed and hurt muscles.
Essential Omega-3: The doorman that makes sure Vitamins C & D are flowing to all the right places in our bodies - without these muscles can’t release built up toxins from stress and can’t unknot and relax.
Anti-Ache Soaking Scent: Lots of orange citrus notes all over this scent with top notes of mandarin and clementine juices and a base of blood orange fruit and rind with a little bit of effervescent/sparkling notes.
No, our bath soaks are not meant to change the color of the bath water - we don't want our skin soaking up any of that stuff. Since there is not anything to color the water, there should not be any staining of the bathtub.
Sometimes, if you have a large bathtub, you may want to use two bags at a time to make sure you don't dillute it with too much water. But, you can use up to two bags at a time if you would like.
Most people do not like a bath that is too hot. If it feels too hot to be a hot tub, then the bath is too hot. The best temperature for your water is 100-110 degrees.
No, not at all. When you look at the crystals, you will see they look very different from either of these types of salts. Epsom salts have been chemically processed and are stripped of many natural vitamins and minerals. Bath salts are iodized salt which have been chemically sterilized to only contain iodine. Neither of these has a scientifically proven improvement on our bodies. Only Magnesium Chloride, a natural element, contains powerful amounts of bioavailable Magnesium and dozens of essential vitamins and minerals.
You absolutely can, but we do recommend you make extra sure you cover as much of your body with the water to make sure you get the full benefits of the soak.
I can’t go without these. Been using a few times a week for around 6 months and I keep them ordered because running out is not an option. They are so relaxing and I notice a difference in my sleep and mood. Plus, they smell amazing!