Long days... Pressure... People with feedback that means nothing... Deadlines... Cranky friends/co-workers/family members/spouses... and then there are the real problems!
In a world where there is no luxury of escaping reality, the Anxiety Destroying Anti-Stress Bath Treatment is the ultimate luxury. Not only is it practical (the minerals and salts nourish your body, your bloodstream and blood chemistry), the "need" to spend 15-20 minutes in a nice hot/warm bath for maximum absorption is the most meltingly chilled out time-out in the storm. You don't have to feel guilty, think you're being a diva or hiding, this is self-care to deliver a more empowered, grounded and centered you.
And somehow in all of that, the anxiety literally melts away.... I still haven't figured out how, by simply laying back and counting my breaths, it happens. But it does. Every time. AND my body feels more supple, more fluid and ready to go once I climb out and dry off.